Become a member

Join us
Aufnahme eines Scuderia Mensa Mitglieds, das mit einer Ratsche eine Schraube am Fahrzeug befestigt.

Do you have what it takes?

You 're into motorsport.
You're keen to learn new things.
You love practical work.
You want to show off your skills.
Nahaufnahme, wie in einer Werkstatt mit einem Akkuschrauber am Fahrzeug gearbeitet wird.

Sounds like you?
Then join our team.

Every year we are looking for motivated students from all disciplines and semesters who would like to plan and construct a racing car with us. Join one of our departments, contribute your ideas and skills and become part of the Scuderia Mensa team!

In addition to classic club membership, you can also join as a freelancer. As a freelancer, you support us in the implementation of specific projects, but are not committed to any membership.

Where you can take part

What you do:

  • Development of an aerodynamics concept
  • Construction of components
  • CFD simulation
  • Practical work with carbon

What you do:

  • Construction of structural components
  • Requirements analysis
  • Production planning
  • Proof of structural safety
  • Working with carbon and fiber composites

What you do:

  • Concept and design of the chassis kinematics
  • Construction of chassis parts
  • Production and assembly of carbon/aluminum chassis parts
  • Development of vehicle setups
  • Develop an understanding of driving behavior

What you do:

  • Development and calculation of a planetary gearbox
  • Design and construction of the wheel components for the wheel hub motors
  • Production planning and implementation of complex manufacturing processes

What you do:

  • Design of electronic circuits for the electric racing car
  • Analysis of the requirements for the circuit
    Design, Layout and production of circuit boards for our future racing cars
  • Assembling, programming and testing the circuit boards
  • Testing the components in the overall vehicle system
  • Documentation of the results
  • Wire harness planning and production
  • Development of an HV battery
  • CAN bus programming

    What you bring:

  • Degree in electrical engineering, mechatronics or similar
  • Basic knowledge of and enthusiasm for electronic and power-electronic circuits and electrical engineering
  • Ideally experience with KiCad or similar tools (Eagle, LTspice)
  • Independent and structured way of working
    Willingness, to deal intensively with problems and solve them

What you do:

  • Vehicle simulation: create models, lap time simulation
  • Function development to improve performance
  • Analysis of simulation data compared to measurement data
  • Design of control logic and controllers
  • Programming of control units

What you do:

  • Control unit programming, preferably in C and Simulink
  • Software expansion and improvement
  • Programming Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers
  • Analysis software extension (C++, Qt framework)
  • Source code management with Git

What you do:

  • Conception of a creative business idea
  • Development of a financial concept
  • Carrying out a competitor analysis
  • Recording the target market
  • Development of a professional PowerPoint presentation
  • Presentation of the business plan to an international jury

What you bring along:

  • Ideally studies in the field of business administration, economics,
  • political economics or engineering with a focus on business administration
  • Confident with Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Very good knowledge of English
  • Motivation, initiative and creativity
  • Ability to work in a team

What you do:

  • Photography and videography
  • Image processing
  • Content creation
  • Graphic design
  • Website maintenance

What you do:

  • Sponsor acquisition
  • Maintaining contact with existing sponsors
  • Conducting negotiation talks
  • Documentation and overview of services

What you bring along:

  • Ideally a degree in business administration, economics, political economics or engineering with a focus on business administration
  • High level of self-organization
  • Very good German and good English skills
  • Motivation, initiative and communication skills
    Ability to work in a team

What you do:

  • Design of electronic circuits for the electric racing car
  • Analysis of the requirements for the circuit
    Design, Layout and production of circuit boards for our future racing cars
  • Assembling, programming and testing the circuit boards
  • Testing the components in the overall vehicle system
  • Documentation of the results
  • Wire harness planning and production
  • Development of an HV battery
  • CAN bus programming

    What you bring:

  • Degree in electrical engineering, mechatronics or similar
  • Basic knowledge of and enthusiasm for electronic and power-electronic circuits and electrical engineering
  • Ideally experience with KiCad or similar tools (Eagle, LTspice)
  • Independent and structured way of working
    Willingness, to deal intensively with problems and solve them


Team leader

The responsibility

The management is responsible for the overall project. Its tasks include managing the individual departments, external representation, the overall organization and the administration of finances and the team. The students in this department have been part of the team for a long time and have distinguished themselves through their particular commitment and prudence.

Body & Aeorodynamics

The optics

The vehicle chassis and the aero package of the racing car are created in the Body department. The full carbon monocoque serves as a load-bearing element for all other components of the car. But they also develop the seat, the pedals and important safety components such as the crash box. They also focus a lot on downforce and fluid simulation when they develop and manufacture the vehicle’s aero package.

Business & Media

The organization and marketing

The Business & Media department takes on a wide range of interdisciplinary tasks: The focus is on developing the business plan, the theoretical marketing strategy for the racing car. They also acquire and maintain sponsors and take care of the project’s online and offline marketing. Of course, they also organize team-building events and design flyers, posters, billboards and calendars.


The nervous system

The Electrics department works in both the high-voltage and low-voltage areas. The accumulator, motor controller and inverter for our new electric drive are developed here. The department is also in contact with almost every component, whether it is a matter of supply, control or validation. They manufacture and plan the wiring harness, take care of data acquisition and evaluation and develop PCBs and cases based on design specifications.


The drive unit

Team Powertain/Drivetrain takes care of the vehicle’s drivetrain. The core task of this department is to develop a gearbox to drive our two electric motors. The cooling system is also developed here.

Vehicle Dynamics

The driving behavior

Tire behavior, chassis design and driving dynamics – the Vehicle Dynamics department deals with these topics. They also design a two-part brake force system, the steering gear and the steering kinematics. They work a lot with CAD, CAE and ADAMS simulations.

Which department suits you?

At the Scuderia, there are many opportunities to get involved in the team. If you would like to become a member, we will help you get started: our recruit program gives you the opportunity to get to know the team in full before you decide on a department. So you can join at any time of the season and work directly where you want.


The Scuderia Mensa is more than just a student project. Together we have fun creating an innovative racing car, learn skills that we are not taught at university and experience the passion for motorsport at first hand. There are many reasons why the Scuderia will take you further.

#Practical work

Test your knowledge from the lectures in practice. In your varied work with the Scuderia, you will combine theory and practice away from your studies and develop your skills.

#Aquire soft skills

Hone your soft skills such as project and time management, organization and teamwork while working with students from different degree programs on a project with a deadline.

#Collect credit points

Collect valuable credit points along the way, which will also help you progress in your studies on paper. Combine your work at the Scuderia with your project or bachelor thesis.

#Develop yourself

No matter what you study or how much experience you have, all you need is a passion for motorsport and a lot of motivation. As part of a team, you will learn skills that will help you personally and professionally.

#Make contacts

As a racing team, we are in direct contact with the local automotive industry and many other companies. Get to know interesting people and your potential future employer.

#Experience events

Join us when we take part in international Formula Student competitions on well-known Formula 1 race tracks and feel the racing fever with an enthusiastic team.

Drei Scuderia Mensa Mitglieder, die sich an einem selbstgebauten Formularwagen festhalten.
Logo der Scuderia Mensa. Ein roter Löwe auf gelben Grund mit zwei schwarz-weiß karierten Flaggen rechts und links dahinter.
Are you up to it?
Become a part of us.